Why Are People Still Smoking Cigarettes?

Everyone knows that smoking cigarettes is not good for them. Everyone knows they spend too much money on cigarettes. Would you like to see how much money you are spending on cigarettes?

So, why do people continue to smoke?

And better yet, why is it so hard for so many people to quit cigarettes? 63% of smokers want to quit. But they don’t. Why?

Because we are all different.

• Some people do not want to put on weight
• Some people do not want to go through the withdrawal symptoms.
• Some people do not think they have the will power to quit cigarettes
• Some people smoke to relieve stress and relax
• Some people are addicted to cigarettes

The biggest reason of all

Because smoking cigarettes is not actually under their control.

How many cigarettes a day do you actually enjoy? If you are like most, maybe 3-4. All the others you smoke you tend to smoke almost unconsciously. Smoking cigarettes is usually done by your unconscious mind.

An example of when the Unconscious Mind is in Control

It is like driving. When you first learned how to drive you had to consciously think about it. But what do you do now when you drive? You go down the road, eating your lunch, talking on your phone (hopefully not in Australia), and playing with the stereo. You drive unconsciously.

When you first started to smoke you did it consciously. But now it is something your unconscious mind does automatically.

Deal with the Reasons First

So unless you deal with the individual reasons unique to each person, you will not have any luck in quitting cigarettes long term.

So if you would like to become a non smoker and remain a non smoker for life – book your appointment now.

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